MarkDown Tags from Basic to Advance


4 min read


What is MarkDown?

Markdown is a way of writing rich-text (formatted text) content using plain text formatting syntax. From this blog, you’ll learn all the Markdown’s major commands that will help you create an awesome GitHub README.

Let us discuss about few Tags of Markdown


we can write headings using Markdown or HTML language to create our desired headings. This is using markdown syntax

 # Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5

MarkDown heading output syntax:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

This is using HTML syntax

<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<h4>Heading 4</h4>
<h5>Heading 5</h5>

HTML heading output syntax

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

#Text styles

Using markdown syntax, we can change texts’ styles, including bold, italic, blockquotes, monospaced, underlined, strike-through, boxed, subscript, and superscript.

**Boldsyntax one way.**
__BoldSyntax two way .__
<strong>BoldSyntax third way.</strong>
*Italic syntax one way.*
_Italic syntax two way._
<em>Italic syntax third way.</em>
Bold and Italic
**_Bold and italic syntax way one._**
<strong><em>Bold and italic syntax way two.</em></strong>


Boldsyntax one way.

BoldSyntax two way .

BoldSyntax third way.


Italic syntax one way.

Italic syntax two way.

Italic syntax third way.

Bold and Italic

Bold and italic syntax way one.

Bold and italic syntax way two.


Inorder to create a blockquote, we can use the greater than sign >. We can create a single-line or multi-line blockquote. Also, blockquote inside a blockquote. We can add other text styles inside a blockquote, such as bold or italic text styles.

> single - line Hello World

>  Hello World line-1
>                      line-2
> Hello World  line-3
>                      line-4

>  Heading 1 - Hello World.
>>  sub heading Hello World.
>>> sub heading Hello World.
> **Bold in blockquote** *italic in blockquote.*

The output of Block quote is:

single - line Hello World

Hello World line-1 line-2 Hello World line-3 line-4

Heading 1 - Hello World.

sub heading Hello World.

sub heading Hello World.

Bold in blockquote italic in blockquote.

Text Decorations

We can do text decorations for a given line by adding Underline, Monospaced and strike Text Decoration Syntax are:

<samp>Markdown is a for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.</samp>

<ins>Underlined text.</ins>

~~ striking for discount or deprecated ~~


We can use <table/> to write tables



we can write sub and super scripts

Subscript <sub>stays at bottom</sub>
Superscript <sup>stays on top</sup>

The output of subscripts and superscripts are:

Subscript stays at bottom Superscript stays on top


We can align the content right or left or center for text or images Aligning elements at left <p align="left"> ![image.png]( align="left") </p>


In similar manner we can place a image at left,right and center postion.


we have ordered and unordered lists.

Syntax for Ordered lists

1. One
2. Two
3. Three
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Syntax for ordered list with sub-items.

1. First level
    1. Second level
        - Third level
            - Fourth level
2. First level
    1. Second level
3. First level
    1. Second level
  1. First level
    1. Second level
      • Third level
        • Fourth level
  2. First level
    1. Second level
  3. First level
    1. Second level


Unordered list, we can asterisk, plus, or minus sign instead of number as we keep in ordered list.

* 1
+ 1
- 1
  • 1

  • 1

  • 1


Now let’s create a task list. We can create a task list using a hyphen followed by [ ], and to mark a task complete, we put an x inside the brackets.

- [x] breakfast
- [ ] Lunch
- [ ] Dinner
  • [x] breakfast
  • [ ] Lunch
  • [ ] Dinner

Horizontal-Rule We can use three hyphens, asterisks, or underscores to create a horizontal line.
